RC5 Team

In April 1999, Viking MUD finally created its own team for the RC5 cracking contest, and joined in on distributed.net's effort.

  1. The Project
  2. The Prize
  3. How to Join Viking MUD's RC5 Team
  4. Team Stat Summary

The Project

The Bovine RC5-72 Project is a project of distributed.net. It was formed in December of 2002 to tackle contests associated with RSA Data Security, Inc.'s Secret Key Challenge. Through distributed.net the Bovine Project provides and maintains the software and network infrastructure required to distribute RC5-72 keyblocks to participating computers all over the world.

The Prize

RSA Labs was offering a USD 10 000 prize to the person, group or organization that first finds the correct RC5-72 key for the contest.

By participating through distributed.net, however, distributed.net becomes that organization, and they had the following distribution of money per 2002:

Free Software Foundation(*) USD 6 000
The individual who finds the key USD 1 000
The winning individual's team(**) USD 1 000
distributed.net USD 2 000

(*) Or whichever non-profit organization has the most votes, as determined by the money distribution rules.
(**) In this case, Viking MUD, whose finances (which are zero for now) currently are managed by Jan Ingvoldstad.

If a member of Viking MUD's RC5 team should win the contest, the USD 1 000 (or whatever additional donations come) will be used for things that will benefit the MUD as a whole, for instance an upgrade of the computer system Viking MUD is running on, and not for any individual's benefit, such as paying for Jan Ingvoldstad's restaurant dinners.

How to Join Viking MUD's RC5 Team

  1. Download the RC5 client appropriate for your computer system(s).
  2. Configure the client as instructed in the provided documentation from distributed.net.
  3. Enter
    rc5 <-> vikingmud.org
    as the e-mail address as the sender of the RC5 packages.
    Note! This will void your right to the individual USD 1 000 part of the prize, which will then go to Viking MUD, increasing Viking MUD's potential winnings to USD 2 000. If you want those USD 1 000 for yourself, read the advanced procedure.
  4. Start the client, and submit RC5 packages to distributed.net.
  5. View VikingMUD's RC5 team's statistics (and team member information, if you like)!

Last update: 2024-12-06 09:24 UTC
Updated by: <webmaster <-> vikingmud.org>