System Information


VikingMud is hosted in Norway by Domeneshop AS.


We don't have dedicated hardware, the MUD's software runs on a virtual machine. Hardware for the virtual machine has been graciously donated by Cryzeck, disks by Dios as a job perk.

The specifications for VikingMUD's dedicated virtual machine is as follows:

Hypervisor Proxmox VE 7.x
CPU 8 x86_64 cores, 2.8 GHz, 4 MiB cache
Disk (SATA SSD) ca. 140 GB
Network 1 Gb


Kernel Linux 6.1.0-28-amd64
Operating System Debian GNU/Linux 12.9
WWW Apache/2.4.62 (Debian)
FTP lpftpd (Viking specific)
Mail Exim 4.96 (c) Exim
MUD DGD 1.7.3/Viking

System statistics

Uptime, load and memory information is updated each minute. Other information is updated each hour.

System date 2025-02-05 10:52 UTC
System uptime 29D 1H 45M
System load (1, 5, 15 minutes) 0.00 0.00 0.00
System disk space used 66%
System memory free 16 GB

MUD Statistics

System resource usage is updated every hour, internal MUD information is updated each 10 minutes.

System Resource Usage

Disk usage 94%
Driver uptime 13H 35M
Driver system memory usage 0.9%
Last update: 2024-12-06 07:10 UTC
Updated by: <webmaster <->>