Annual Meetings

This is an overview of annual meetings, their announcements, proceedings, and minutes, presented in reverse chronological order.

Summons to Annual Meeting 2025 - May 11th

Posted: 2025-01-10

The annual meeting for 2025 will be held on May 11th at 19:00 UTC (21:00 CEST).

Three positions on the board are up for election, and two of the members whose terms are ending, have announced that they will stand for reelection:

Børge (Gaia) has volunteered to stand for election. Additional candidates are welcome.

If you wish to stand for election or have proposed items of discussion for the meeting, please send a mud mail to Dios and Moreldir. We need your proposals no later than May 1st, 2025, as the agenda will need to be prepared and published no later than May 4th.

The meeting will be held via Google Meet as a video conference (max 1 hour length). If there are technical hurdles, the meeting may bef moved to a different platform such as e.g. Whereby, Microsoft Teams, or Zoom.

Link and connection information will be posted to the Wizards' board and on the Wiz channel in-MUD.

We recommend that all attendees also attend in-MUD, in case there is a need for written communication.

The complete summons have also been posted to the in-MUD Wiz board.

Annual meeting 2025 - coming in May

Posted: 2025-01-06

Meeting for 2025 will be held in May. Formal call will come later.

Annual Meeting 2024 - coming in May

Posted: 2024-03-22

We are closing in on this year's annual meeting.

Agenda for Annual Meeting 2023-05-21 19:00 UTC

Posted: 2023-05-14

Official agenda for the annual meeting:

  1. Register members and votes present
  2. Elect chair of the meeting and minute taker
  3. Process annual report / accounts
  4. Process received proposals
  5. Determine membership dues
  6. Elect the board

The meeting will be held via Discord as a video conference. If there are technical hurdles, the meeting may be moved to a different platform such as e.g. Whereby, Google Meetup, Microsoft Teams, or Zoom.

Link and connection information will be posted to the Wizards' board and on the Wiz channel in-MUD.

We recommend that all attendees also attend in-MUD, in case there is a need for written communication.

It is, of course, fine to attend audio-only.

Received proposals:

There are two proposed amendments to the bylaws (please see the current bylaws)

  1. The board proposes an amendment to the bylaws' §11 as follows. The amendment is an additional phrase, here enclosed in asterisks, to ensure that an approximately equal number of board members are up for election each year:
            § 11 Styret
            Foreningen ledes av et styre på minst tre medlemmer.
            Styret er høyeste myndighet mellom årsmøtene. Styret
            velger selv sin leder og nestleder, og eventuelle andre
            roller for styremedlemmene.
            Styremedlemmenes funksjonstid er 2 år.
            *Halvparten av styrets medlemmer skal være på valg
            hvert år. Valg for halve perioder gjøres for å sikre
            Et medlem som trer ut av styret kan gjenvelges.
            Ved behov kan det enkelte styremedlem gi fullmakt til
            andre til å stemme eller signere på sine vegne.
            § 11 The Board
            The organisation is led by a Board of at least three
            members. The Board is the highest authority between
            the Annual Meetings. The Board elects its own chair and
            deputy chair, and any other roles for the Board
            The term of office of the Board members is 2 years.
            *Half of the Board's members shall be up for election
            every year. Election for half terms can be performed to
            ensure this.*
            A member who resigns from the board can be re-elected.
            If needed, each Board member can issue power of
            attorney to another for the sake of voting or signing.
  2. Dios proposes amending the bylaws' §9 enumeration of agenda items. Currently, items are numbered 1, 2, 4, and 5; there is no item number 3. The proposal is to enumerate these correctly as 1, 2, 3, and 4.

Call for Annual Meeting 2023

Posted: 2023-05-07

The annual meeting of 2023 shall be held as an online conference on 21 May 2023 at 19:00 UTC (21:00 CEST).

Source: Call for annual meeting 2023 (plain text, as posted to the Wizards' Main Board on 2023-05-07).

Minutes from Annual Meeting 2022

Posted: 2022-06-03

The minutes are now available after proof-reading.

Agenda for Annual Meeting 2022-05-26 20:00 UTC

Posted: 2022-05-19

Official agenda for the annual meeting:

  1. Register members and votes present
  2. Elect chair of the meeting and minute taker
  3. Process annual report / accounts
  4. Process received proposals
  5. Determine membership dues
  6. Elect the board

The meeting will be held via Discord as a video conference. If there are technical hurdles, the meeting may be moved to a different platform such as e.g. Whereby, Microsoft Teams, or Zoom.

Link and connection information will be posted to the Wizards' board and on the Wiz channel in-MUD.

We recommend that all attendees also attend in-MUD, in case there is a need for written communication.

It is, of course, fine to attend audio-only.

Call for Annual Meeting 2022

Posted: 2022-05-11

The annual meeting of 2022 shall be held as an online conference on 26 May 2022 at 20:00 UTC (22:00 CEST).

Source: Call for annual meeting 2022 (plain text, as posted to the Wizards' Main Board on 2022-05-11).

2021-11-14 - founding the organization

The non-profit VikingMUD organization (NO 928 266 400) was formally founded at a video conferenced members' meeting on 14 November 2021. The meeting was held in English, voting on bylaws and an organizational board. As a matter of representation, the members agreed that ideally, there should be at least one board member not from Norway. Voting was unanimous among the members present.

Last update: 2025-01-10 07:22 UTC
Updated by: webmaster