
There are currently 62 quests in all. Some are big, requiring lots of thought and/or killing tough monsters, others are small and simple. In order to become a Student Wizard, a player needs 9961 of a total of 39845 quest points. Typing the command "quests" in a guild should list how many quest points you can get for each quest, how much you currently have, and how much you need to finish.

There are two types of quest points: Dynamic quest points show the amount of quest points you get for solving the quest. Static quest points show how difficult the quest was judged to be by the creator of the quest and Quality Control (QC) at the time it was opened for the players. When a new quest opens, the dynamic and static quest points have the same value. Dynamic quest points vary depending on how often the quest is solved. This generally means that a frequently solved quest will yield many quest points, while a rarely solved quest will yield few quest points.

List of Quests

Following is a list of all quests available on Viking. The format is:

Quest Name
QP: Dynamic (Static)
Quest Hint

  1. Witch quest
    QP: 42 (100)
    There's an old woman is "prison" on a path in the Hollin Forest.
    The path goes east-west and starts from the East Road.
    Rescue her from the punishment!
    In the lands of Moria, created by Rogon.
  2. Help out with rat problem
    QP: 50 (100)
    The shop owner in Avondale has a rat infestation problem. 
    You should help him out with that.
    Arondale is in the lands of Knubo, north west from the northern part of east roa
    Created by Knubo.
  3. Orc Slayer
    QP: 58 (100)
    You need to introduce yourself to Leo The Archwizard. A proper gift will be 
    the powerful Orc slayer, which the evil orc shaman has captured. Leo can be
    found in the dungeons below the altar of Odin, and the orc shaman is rumoured
    to be hiding somewhere in the western mountain.
    Created by Odin.
  4. Bright boy (m/f) needed!
    QP: 60 (200)
    Mr. S. Okoban are looking for a bright boy (male/female) for a job,
    involving clearing of a storeroom.
      Please contact Mr. Okoban in the soon to be opened store in Nif.
    Created by Survivor.
  5. Forgotten Word
    QP: 66 (100)
    In the woods northwest of Larstown, there lives an 
    old and confused wizard. He has forgotten how to cast 
    a new spell he has been working on. Find him and help
    him recover his spell.
    Created by Kjelle.
  6. Quest for the murderer
    QP: 67 (200)
    Begin your career as a detective by solving a 50 year old murder case! A
    witness may be found in a hut located in a glade somewhere along eastroad.
    (Note that due to the particular nature of this quest, it will not reset
    itself while anyone is standing inside the quest area. - But that does NOT
    mean that it will reset itself imeditately after you leave - you will have to
    wait a bit for that.)
    Created by Soular.
  7. Sheriffs key
    QP: 71 (120)
    The sheriff in Larstown has a problem, help him out and he will be very
    grateful. The Sheriff can be found in his office most of the time.
    Created by Elbram.
  8. Lost gem quest.
    QP: 74 (200)
    Once upon a time a man lived in a hut in the park.  He had a jewel in
    there, and it was lost one day.  Now his wife watches the entrance of
    the park and lets in only very low level adventurers.  She would be
    simply overjoyed if you could find the jewel somewhere in the park and
    return it to her...
    You have to travel to the lands of Desolice for this quest.
    Created by Renae and Geezer of Icewind.
  9. A girl and her teddybear
    QP: 79 (100)
    The youngest daughter of Jonas the innkeeper at the Sugarload Inn
    won't stop crying. Perhaps you can cheer her up?
    Created by Gaeius.
  10. Stolen ring
    QP: 81 (125)
    A wicked thief has stolen the little girl Kira's ring.  The thief
    was last sighted near the waterfall north of the hatch.  Find it and
    return it to Kira.
    You have to travel to the lands of Desolice for this quest.
    Created by Aztec of Icewind.
  11. Jewelry Thieves
    QP: 86 (200)
    Erezard the jeweller has set up shop on Lion Street
    in Boldhome. He has a trouble with burglars. See
    if you can help him somehow.
    This could be dangerous. Bring food and drink.
    And a torch.
    Created by Gaeius.
  12. Break the frog's curse
    QP: 89 (125)
     Somewhere north of M'loria lives a cute little frog. It is said that some
     evil magician once cursed someone he didn't like and turned him into a frog.
     Perhaps you could help and break the spell?
    You have to travel to the lands of Desolice for this quest.
    Created by Ghorwin of Icewind.
  13. Help a woman in need
    QP: 91 (220)
     Dehlia fears to go back to her boyfriend
     without a valuable gift he gave her. She has lost 
     it, and needs your help to find it.
     Rumours say that the young woman can be found in a desert
     on an island south of M'loria. It's also said that
     the outstanding heat there might drain your life,
     so be sure you bring some heals with you.
    You have to travel to the lands of Desolice for this quest.
    Created by Eowyn of Icewind.
  14. The rapier quest
    QP: 94 (250)
    In the Castle Ardvreck, there is a magical rapier. However, a mighty mage has
    hidden it. You'll find the castle south of the orc valley.
    Created by Valiant.
  15. Free Harry!
    QP: 101 (150)
    The henchmen of Emperor Drevreck of Kalishan have arrested and imprisoned 
    Harry the Affectionate in the dungeon in the Kalishani Imperial Castle. The
    whole of Larstown is relying on YOU to free the boy. The castle may be reached
    through the Black Dragon Portal which is on the village road a bit west of 
    In the lands of Kalishan, created by Drevreck.
  16. Assist a Wounded Eagle
    QP: 102 (225)
    An injured eagle is stranded in a cave near sun alley.
    Help it out by getting a potion from a nearby cleric.
    Created by Xodus.
  17. Help the Frost Priest.
    QP: 103 (245)
    Find the Frost Priest in his shrine in the Frost Forest
    nd he will tell you what you need to find to help save him
    from the Ice Gods' anger.
    In the lands of Frost, created by Bastista.
  18. Recover the Moonstone
    QP: 105 (300)
    Recover the Moonstone. It was last seen in the graveyard. The graveyard can be
    found somewhere around Sun alley. It is rumored to be protected by an evil
    and ugly monster.
    Created by Xodus.
  19. Lonely Girl
    QP: 106 (160)
    A girl has lost her best friend somewhere in the woods south of Nick's castle.
    Please be kind and help her. She probably sits on some kind of a doorstep.
    Nick's area is somewhere northeast on the plains.
    Created by Nick.
  20. Slay the snakes
    QP: 107 (250)
    A young man once wanted to explore some sewers he had stumbled across.
    His wife told him to stay home, but did he listen? No. After he had
    wandered around down there for a few hours, he got lost. As he searched
    for a way out, he stumbled across a giant snake that almost killed him.
    He fled out, but when he got to the surface, he discovered that he
    had lost something very precious to him. His wedding ring! He dares
    not go home without it, and is waiting for someone to help him recover it.
    So, why don't you go look for him and tell him you want to help?
    Oh, btw, bring light and heals. You're going to need both...
    You have to travel to the lands of Desolice for this quest.
    Created by Gunner of Icewind.
  21. The birthday present
    QP: 116 (150)
     It's the mayor of Smalltree's birthday. He has got a lot of
     presents, but not the thing he wants most. Maybe you can give it to him?
    You have to travel to the lands of Desolice for this quest.
    Created by Barag of Icewind.
  22. The cure for forest fever
    QP: 122 (250)
     Kannin has a problem. His son is dying from forest fever, and he is
     too old to gather the ingredients to make the potion necessary 
     to cure him. He can be found somewhere towards the end of East
     road. Some fighting is required, so go prepared.
    You have to travel to the lands of Desolice for this quest.
    Created by Athena of Icewind.
  23. Riddle Master
    QP: 126 (300)
    An old man lives in a hut somewhere around here. In his youth
    he was a famous riddle solver. Now, that his days are almost
    gone, he wants a new riddle student, to become as good as him.
    So, go forth, and become the new riddle master.
    You have to travel to the lands of Desolice for this quest.
    Created by Xodus of Icewind.
  24. Wolf in need
    QP: 137 (300)
    A small wolf is in need. Help him and you shall be rewarded. He's to be found
    in the dark mountains west of Nick's castle.
    Created by Nick.
  25. Staff of creation
    QP: 162 (300)
    The Staff of Creation has been stolen from the gods.  It is rumored
    that a bard with some knowledge about the incident can be found west
    of the castle on top of the mountain north of the plains.
    Created by Murky.
  26. Please the crowd!
    QP: 179 (300)
    Naboshabad, Capital of Kalishan has a problem with an
    angry crowd. Go help them out!
    In the lands of Kalishan, created by Drevreck and Soular.
    Completed in memory of Drevreck, by Knubo.
  27. The warden's prisoner.
    QP: 204 (300)
    Find the warden's prisoner and see what he wants.
    Created by Javier.
  28. Tribute to the Gods of Change
    QP: 236 (300)
    The temple of the Gods of Change lies in the Viking Memorial
    Park. Seek ye what the Gods desire, so you may offer them
    reverence as befits their deeds.
    Created by Gaeius.
  29. Seek and thee shall find
    QP: 269 (300)
    The old man Barintas has a small problem, and he could use some help solving
    it. You can find him somewhere on the east/west road. Some icewine could help
    as well.
    You have to travel to the lands of Desolice for this quest.
    Created by Arius of Icewind.
  30. To Battle an Avatar
    QP: 272 (325)
     Raids from a goblin village have gotten out of hand
     and a local Duke has sent some of his guardsmen and
     knights to deal with the problem.  However they
     have realized that the attacks are encouraged by
     the Avatar of the goblin warhero Blog. Assist the
     Duke's men in removing the Avatar from the mortal
     world. They will want to be present when the Avatar
     Killing, and lots of it, is required.
    You have to travel to the lands of Desolice for this quest.
    Created by Patton of Icewind.
  31. Retrieve Olaf's lost chalice
    QP: 293 (350)
    A man called Olaf, is looking for a brave adventurer to help him 
    retrieve his lost, and precious chalice. He claims to have lost it
    when travelling through the dreadfull village of Pagan. So he will
    be needing help from a strong and brave adventurer.
    PS! Remember to buy lots of Icewine...
    You have to travel to the lands of Desolice for this quest.
    Created by Milton and Xodus of Icewind.
  32. Jack and the Beanstalk
    QP: 330 (350)
    Unknowingly Jack possesses magic beans which may lead to the ledgendary 'Goose
    that lays the golden eggs'.  Jack might be found on the east road.
    Created by Mitzelplic
  33. Plague Maiden
    QP: 385 (350)
    The Plague Maiden has been sighted near a nearby lake.
    She must be stopped before she spreads the plague to
    all of Larstown! Histylis the Beholder knows something
    that can help you in your quest. Seek him on Mount
    Created by Gaeius.
  34. Slay the Ice dragon
    QP: 430 (350)
     The frozen wastelands
     A long time ago a valiant warrior ventured into the frozen wastelands
     to battle an ice dragon. He never returned.
     Help him rest in peace by killing or driving the ice dragon away from
     his final resting place. If you can find it.
     Be advised. This quest requires some slaying and any equipment lost
     beyond the ice wall will remain lost for all time.
    You have to travel to the lands of Desolice for this quest.
    Created by Gunner of Icewind.
  35. Lyzar's amulet
    QP: 474 (400)
    Lyzar has mislaid his amulet somewhere in his house situated north of the
    plains. Go help him find it.
    Created by Tenghil.
  36. The search for the statuette
    QP: 482 (350)
    Someone has stolen a statuette of The Lady Pam, and Bigdog wants it back!  Go
    to the sitting room of Bigdog's castle and be very observant.  Look at 
    everything.  Seek and ye shall find!
    You should not bring help, pets or other assistants on this quest.
    Created by Bigdog.
  37. Recover the seal from the 1st Plane of Hell
    QP: 484 (600)
    It's not easy to kill a devil.  You'll have to start in his temple... try
    around the giant path.
    Created by Harlin.
  38. Dwarven rescue mission
    QP: 531 (400)
    Seek out the leader of the dwarven mines. He will clue you in on your mission
    of mercy.  The mines can be found west of the clearing.
    Created by Pendragon.
  39. The Puzzle Quest
    QP: 548 (500)
    A local mage has created a puzzle for you to solve. He is offering
    a reward to anyone who can answer it. Seek him out next to the
    Larstown Post Office.
    Created by Felthas.
  40. Quest for the Silversword
    QP: 554 (600)
    Rumours of an unnaturally cold and long winter in the
    northwest reached Larstown a little while ago. Now, some
    time later, a young boy has been spotted around Larstown,
    looking for adventurers.
    Note: It is recommended to bring lots of food and drink.
    Created by Gaeius.
  41. Help the King of the Leprechauns
    QP: 589 (450)
    The Leprechaun King has lost something of great sentimental value to him. Find
    it and bring it to him. The first problem is however to find the king....
    Created by: Kalak
  42. Return Hafen's Wooden Leg
    QP: 602 (400)
    Poor Hafen has lost her trusty wooden leg.  It is rumored
    that a pirate has stolen it.  A smart adventurer might want to
    look for Hafen around the viking ship.
    Created by Boris.
  43. Winter's Cold Heart
    QP: 623 (500)
    In the woods around the Sugarloaf Inn in the village of Torlynn,
    a strange beast has been spotted. The villagers cower in fear and
    away from the cold winter.
    This quest may be dangerous and dark. Bring food, drink and light.
    Created by Gaeius.
  44. Find the Lost Druid Leader
    QP: 626 (650)
    Somewhere in a calm snowy forest, a tribe of druids has
    been struck by catastrophe.  A meteor has crashed into
    their temple.  They have had to relocate to another part
    of the forest, but have somehow left one of their leaders
    behind.  Will you help them find their leader?
    Seek out the Druid Master for help.  You will find him
    in a cave.
    Created by Hendrix.
  45. Hold the fort
    QP: 664 (700)
    An army of orcs are moving through our land. Soon it will pass the
    vast desert outside the Paladin village, where they will have to
    make a rest at the fortress. Are you brave enough to stop them from
    overtaking the fortress? If you have what it takes, gather your
    friends into an army of justice! Then go search for glory!
    In the lands of ME, created by Knubo.
  46. Destroy Torlac The Twisted
    QP: 702 (800)
     An evil wizard by the name of Torlac has been tormenting the Kingdom
     of Iscar for a long time. A wizard named, Daelon, needs your help in
     retrieving five long forgotten relics, that is the parts of a powerful
     artifact, The Hand of Mobius. So go now, and seek Daelon in his mansion.
    It would be wise to bring some Icewine and Milkshake!
    You have to travel to the lands of Desolice for this quest.
    Created by Xodus of Icewind.
  47. The Abbey Quest
    QP: 709 (650)
    A thief has recently been pilfering in the abbey north of the caves.
    Perhaps you can help the nuns to recover the things they have lost.
    Created by Roo.
  48. Help a lost soul to rest in peace
    QP: 818 (800)
    Sagon Aslakson returned to M'loria and found out that his daughter was 
    missing. He started searching for her but he couldn't find her. 
    People who have seen him lately says that it looks like he has given up. 
    No one has seen him for a couple of days, but he was last seen near the 
    graveyard where his father and his wife Heidrun is buried.
    Maybe you can help him ?
    This quest requires killing.
    You have to travel to the lands of Desolice for this quest.
    Created by Ulv of Icewind.
  49. Celeborns leaning tower
    QP: 925 (1800)
     __________                                         __________
    // ____ \\\\       - - Quest Information - -       // ____ \\\\  
    / /\\_\\ \\\\ _ _______________________________ _ // /\\_\\ \\\\ 
    \\\ \\/ _/  \\X_X_/                         \\_X_X/    \\/ _/ // 
    \\\\  ......  Leaning Tower Of Celeborn.      ......   //
     V :::::     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~     :::::  V   
     | ::::   Many years ago,  Sir  Celeborn had    ::::  |   
     | ::     his friends to  build him a marble      ::  |   
     | :      tower on the little  island of Tol       :  |   
     | .      Pelear. Recently,  however, it has       .  |   
     |        started to lean heavily and it can          |   
     | .      fall any day. Help the little des-
     :        paired gardener Worl with this, he          |   
     .        can give you  access  to the area.          :    
              However,  he has  lost  one of his             
              important keys, so you first, help          .   
     .        him to find it. Have a look in the              
              tower library for more hints. This             
              quest _can_ be solved without  any          .   
     .        killing at all. It can be done the
              hard and  bloody  way, but  beware
              of the many dangerous monsters and
              evil dragons.  Start the  quest in
              town of Tol Pelear.  Go there with
              the fishing boat on the east coast
              Good Luck!              //CELEBORN;
  50. Brave the Frozen Valley
    QP: 948 (800)
    In order to study the seemingly everlasting winter around
    Torlynn, Kelas the Alchemist has rented the loft of the
    Sugarloaf inn for his studies. He hopes to finally help
    the residents of the area see spring and summer again.
    But Kelas is not a very brave man, so he needs help to
    find clues to what could be causing the eternal winter.
    Seek him out in the loft of the Sugarloaf Inn in Torlynn.
    Note: It is recommended to bring lots of food and drink.
    The valley has become a frozen wasteland where many a
    dangerous beast roams.
    Created by Gaeius.
  51. Quest for the figurine
    QP: 1096 (800)
     Somewhere along the northroad you will find Vulmar, the powerful wizard.
     Vulmar has a problem though, can you help him solve it?
     Caution! This quest requires thinking, and some killing too.
    You have to travel to the lands of Desolice for this quest.
    Created by Barag of Icewind.
  52. Solve the problem in Glom
    QP: 1152 (1900)
    There is a problem in Glom. Something has happened to the king. Go
    there and help Glom with their problem. YOU won't have to kill anything.
    Created by Strafe.
  53. Find the Holy Grail
    QP: 1305 (900)
    This is the quest 'ramoth':
    In the ravine that goes to the mountain top, you will find excitement, danger,
    and...monty Python.
    You must get the Holy Grail from the Castle of Aaargh...
    Consider that things may not be what they seem to be.  If you know the movie,
    you are in luck.
    Good hunting, brave adventurer.
    You should not bring help, pets or other assistants on this quest.
    Created by Ramoth.
  54. Kill The Devil
    QP: 1320 (2000)
    Kill the master of all evil in the deep dungeon
    which lays far east of eastroad.
    Created by Mysse.
  55. Sir Gregory's mansion
    QP: 1508 (900)
    North west of east road you'll find sir Gregory's Mansion. Something
    mysterious has been happening there and you should go explore.
    More experienced players should stock up. You may also bring your
    friend on this adventure. Though only those participating may
    complete the quest.
    It's located in the lands of Knubo.
  56. Killroy's assistant
    QP: 1565 (2000)
    Killroy's assistant needs some help.
    You can find him down the hole on the plain.
    In the lands of Frog, created by Killroy.
  57. Find the Minotaur in the maze
    QP: 1567 (1000)
    The minotaur lives in his maze below the mountains north of the
    If you manage to find the entrance and get through the maze, you
    will have accomplished a great deal.
    The quest is fit for all levels.
    Created by Soermo.
  58. Recover Kiotad's ring.
    QP: 1845 (2000)
    The dwarf king Kiotad's favourite ring of power has been stolen 
    by a cunning thief.
    He has offered a reward to people who recover it for him.
    The king can be found somewhere in the plains of Mudor.
    Go and ask him for information and help about the quest.
    NOTE! You do not need to kill anything to solve the quest.
    Created by Qqqq.
  59. Village looking for a hero
    QP: 2351 (2250)
    To whoever it may concern.
    We, the citizens of the village Nif, are searching for a strong hero to 
    save our village. During the last month we have been deprived of half our 
    children. We are not sure how, why or when it happens, but occasionally 
    children just dissapear, to great grief of the families.
      Please contact the Mayor of Nif, we need your help!
    Created by Survivor.
  60. The kidnapped princess
    QP: 2963 (2500)
    The princess has been kidnapped.  You will find the king
    in the castle on top of the mountain north of the plains.
    Say that you want to solve the quest to the guest and the king.
    Created by Murky.
  61. Rid Darken Forest of Evil
    QP: 3465 (2500)
    In the thick forests west of the Frost Forest, near the
    village of Torlynn, an ancient wall has been found.
    Beyond this wall lies what has been dubbed 'Darken Forest'
    for its inherent darkness and sense of dread and evil.
    Legends claim that this was once a rich land, but it has
    fallen to darkness after the evil spirit Othiel claimed
    the Locket of Life from its guardian Kalinys.
    Are you strong and brave enough to venture into the forest
    and rid it of the evil Othiel?
    Created by Gaeius.
  62. Rescue Mitzelplic
    QP: 4536 (3000)
    Return the magic opals to their owners and rescue Mitzelplic from his stone
    prison.  Mitzelplic's castle may be found in the north-eastern corner of the
    plains to the west of Larstown.
    You should not bring help, pets or other assistants on this quest.
    Created by Mitzelplic.

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